N-paper N47B by Herb Zinser translates newspaper articles and other news events .
Keywords and concepts covered ... in sequence
- David Petraeus explains Nature's B100D heme group Fe(2) software WAR
with Washington DC people and their Hollywood nonsense THOUGHT errors
-The Periodic atomic table element Fe = Ferrous oxide IRON atom versus
Fe = Federal government and
Fe = FermiLAB and its atomic number 26 alphabet ..... communication errors by Illinois Route 56 ... violations of Iron-56 proton atomic social science protocol
- the Blood SOFTWARE language battle reports
- electron spin messages and Spinoza- Z-axis
- Zachery Taylor
- base 16 hex LU6.2 data pipeline BATTLE at Falk Iron gear ..... the WAR for control of MIlwaukee citizen errors
- Hubbleton Wisconsin astronomy wars
- Captain James Kirk VS Jamie kirk Hahn in Raleigh North Carolina for her nonsense
claims that she is a Democratic strategist for the EARTH atmosphere stratosphere military affairs in the Hubble Wars
- Star Wars LANDO Calrissian VS orLANDO and the Pulse nightclub
- LANDO and Millenium Falcon VS Falcon Heights and phiLANDO
- Paul Dirac and the Einstein-Rosen bridge (wormhole) from
Roselawn Cenatry, Tallahasee TO
Roseville, Falcon Heights, St. Paul(Dirac) Minnesota
- Nikola Tesla energy waves and echoes
- Lech Walesa and Wojciecho Braszczok ..echo codes with
Czechoslovakia and Okeechobee Florida
- Philando Castile and his role in Nature's construction of the communications wormhole of earthly existential physics ....... the the Base 16 AF --> Afterlife region of
Philando Castile --> Caste --> link to the Hindu Caste system of the sub-continent of India
- Samuel DuBose and the Satyendra Nath Bose and the Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC)
messages from CinCinnati, Ohio and TriBECa New York VIA
the motorcycles of Wojciech Braszczok
- the Fort Lauderdale airport shooting ..... earth language LINK to the St.Paul area
- President Crater explain the Hindu levels MODEL compared to the Carter .......
carbon molecule tiers/hierarchy of society
- Nikola Tesla and Nature's modern Wardenclyffe Tower
- Far Horizons resort Longboat Key Sarasota LINKs
- BES and Bessie the Cow at Bethesda Lutheran Home Watertown
- blood arteries OUTPUT of Picasso
- Dylann Roof PROOF
- Henry Louis gates and Logic Gates
- James Crowley explains the Inverse Universe mentality of citizens and Washington DC
- Chancellor John Wiley
- Green bay Packer photosynthesis agents
- IBM Program Event Recording
- the CHO ... sugar THOUGHT molecule and the Axiom of CHOice ...
and the glucose murder of Gloria Totzke
- Salvador Dali
- optics
- Tamir Rice and the TA mirror
- St. Bernard's Catholic church copper roof
- Sam Hengel Porterfield
- eye/ optical SOFTWARE
- Fly and zippers
- Princeton University INTELLECTUAL prison
- Liver and the blood SOFTWARE language wars
- Sherlock Holmes and the Lock and Model of Enzymes
- the IRAQ .... algebra subset test --> IQ
- Ezra Pound data entry and COMPUTER EARTH
- Boston 26 mile race errors and the rigged TRIAL
- Wisconsin
- Standard Model physics wars
- States of Mind
- book Elements of Style
- Bessie the Cow and the Fe = Feeble minded at Bethesda Lutheran Home and the abstraction LADDER problems in Watertown Wisconsin
- Zinc fingers and the Town of Genesee .... genetics
- optics/eye
- Watertown Tire fire
- Water molecules, streams of consciousness, James Joyce, electron FLOW models, and Hyderbad India with hydrology Professor Loganathan
- the WAR of the WORLDS
Keywords and concepts covered ... in sequence
- David Petraeus explains Nature's B100D heme group Fe(2) software WAR
with Washington DC people and their Hollywood nonsense THOUGHT errors
-The Periodic atomic table element Fe = Ferrous oxide IRON atom versus
Fe = Federal government and
Fe = FermiLAB and its atomic number 26 alphabet ..... communication errors by Illinois Route 56 ... violations of Iron-56 proton atomic social science protocol
- the Blood SOFTWARE language battle reports
- electron spin messages and Spinoza- Z-axis
- Zachery Taylor
- base 16 hex LU6.2 data pipeline BATTLE at Falk Iron gear ..... the WAR for control of MIlwaukee citizen errors
- Hubbleton Wisconsin astronomy wars
- Captain James Kirk VS Jamie kirk Hahn in Raleigh North Carolina for her nonsense
claims that she is a Democratic strategist for the EARTH atmosphere stratosphere military affairs in the Hubble Wars
- Star Wars LANDO Calrissian VS orLANDO and the Pulse nightclub
- LANDO and Millenium Falcon VS Falcon Heights and phiLANDO
- Paul Dirac and the Einstein-Rosen bridge (wormhole) from
Roselawn Cenatry, Tallahasee TO
Roseville, Falcon Heights, St. Paul(Dirac) Minnesota
- Nikola Tesla energy waves and echoes
- Lech Walesa and Wojciecho Braszczok ..echo codes with
Czechoslovakia and Okeechobee Florida
- Philando Castile and his role in Nature's construction of the communications wormhole of earthly existential physics ....... the the Base 16 AF --> Afterlife region of
Philando Castile --> Caste --> link to the Hindu Caste system of the sub-continent of India
- Samuel DuBose and the Satyendra Nath Bose and the Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC)
messages from CinCinnati, Ohio and TriBECa New York VIA
the motorcycles of Wojciech Braszczok
- the Fort Lauderdale airport shooting ..... earth language LINK to the St.Paul area
- President Crater explain the Hindu levels MODEL compared to the Carter .......
carbon molecule tiers/hierarchy of society
- Nikola Tesla and Nature's modern Wardenclyffe Tower
- Far Horizons resort Longboat Key Sarasota LINKs
- BES and Bessie the Cow at Bethesda Lutheran Home Watertown
- blood arteries OUTPUT of Picasso
- Dylann Roof PROOF
- Henry Louis gates and Logic Gates
- James Crowley explains the Inverse Universe mentality of citizens and Washington DC
- Chancellor John Wiley
- Green bay Packer photosynthesis agents
- IBM Program Event Recording
- the CHO ... sugar THOUGHT molecule and the Axiom of CHOice ...
and the glucose murder of Gloria Totzke
- Salvador Dali
- optics
- Tamir Rice and the TA mirror
- St. Bernard's Catholic church copper roof
- Sam Hengel Porterfield
- eye/ optical SOFTWARE
- Fly and zippers
- Princeton University INTELLECTUAL prison
- Liver and the blood SOFTWARE language wars
- Sherlock Holmes and the Lock and Model of Enzymes
- the IRAQ .... algebra subset test --> IQ
- Ezra Pound data entry and COMPUTER EARTH
- Boston 26 mile race errors and the rigged TRIAL
- Wisconsin
- Standard Model physics wars
- States of Mind
- book Elements of Style
- Bessie the Cow and the Fe = Feeble minded at Bethesda Lutheran Home and the abstraction LADDER problems in Watertown Wisconsin
- Zinc fingers and the Town of Genesee .... genetics
- optics/eye
- Watertown Tire fire
- Water molecules, streams of consciousness, James Joyce, electron FLOW models, and Hyderbad India with hydrology Professor Loganathan
- the WAR of the WORLDS
Newspapers use various levels of English language; thus it is up to the older and wiser newspaper reader to use his math and science background to translate and understand the multi-faceted PRINT message .
This news analysis report by Herb Zinser looks at some of the subset secret message codes embedded within the larger context of a news article
Translate and Test MIRROR
News analysis by Herb Zinser using the periodic atomic table elements and their atomic MASS database as the accurate source of information needed to analyze MASS COMMUNICATIONs.
Mass Communications - Virginia State University
www.sola.vsu.edu/.../mass-communications/inde...Welcome to VSU's Department of Mass Communications. ... in film, television, broadcast news, audio and music, radio, public relations and print media.
Virginia State UniversityProgram: Mass Communication: Radio/TV/Film - Joliet ...
catalog.jjc.edu/preview_program.php?catoid=2&poid=368...31Print Degree Planner | Print-Friendly Page. ... Bachelor's degree programs in mass communication encompass four major program areas: advertising/public relations, radio/TV/film, journalism/news editorial/ photojournalism, and multimedia.Mass communication - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_communicationIn the United States, the study of mass communication is often associated with the practical applications of journalism (Print media), television and radio ...
Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family ... atomic human expressions and their idenifers
--> Nitrogen and the 7th Day Adventists religious group
--> The Nitrogen 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet
--> Oxygen 16 with Pope Benedict XVI
To understand Nature's system ...we look at the IBM BAL instruction ..... translate and test.
370 Instructions, Reference Guide - SimoTime
TRT, Translate and Test.
UNPK, Unpack ...
Branch and Link Register, BALR, 05, R1,R2 .....
BAL, Branch and Link Instruction, the format is R1,D2(X2,B2) ...
What is the use of TRT instruction and how it is working?
TRT is used to scan a string of characters, searching
for the occurrence of any the characters which are
specified in a translate table.
TRT also sets the condition code to indicate the results
of the scanning operation as follows:
Condition Code Indications
0 ( Zero ) All function bytes
encountered were X�00�.
1 ( Minus ) A nonzero function byte
was found before the end of operand 1
2 ( Positive ) A nonzero function byte
was found at the end of the operand 1
The condition code can be tested using BZ, BNZ, BM, BNM,
BP, or BNP.
The above instruction is used by Basic Assembler Language used on copper-wire main frame computers.
The sequence is .... TRANSLATE and then TEST.
In Nature's COMPUTER EARTH social engineering system ..... variant of that occurs.
A human activity, a human situation is TESTED ..... the results may be okay or the result may involve murder, suicide, crime, war, accident, etc. The nasty results are considered social process control FEEDBACK ERROR signals ...... that need to be translated / analyzed to be understood ..... at the deeper levels of REALITY ...conflicts/anger at levels of subconsciousness that rose to a level of visible display using human display devices.
Hence, the Earth Lab TEST activity is first ... then the newspaper report ...and then the TRANSLATE of the report using basic math, physics, biochemistry college textbooks, etc. Thus the newspaper prints some pieces to a puzzle .. and the reader is asked to figure out the other pieces ... the pieces that explain WHY .... that explain CAUSE and EFFECT .
Herb Zinser provides some data about Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE comprised of nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations, flowcharts, etc. The ideas found in math and science textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.
Using Galileo's suggestions of " 2 CHIEF WORLD SYSTEMS" we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces....... the 2 CHIEF existential entities
1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, etc.
2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc.
Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel
Using Galileo's suggestions of " 2 CHIEF WORLD SYSTEMS" we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces....... the 2 CHIEF existential entities
1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, etc.
2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc.
Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel
Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and TerritoriesThere is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and TerritoriesThere is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
Thus we understand Charles Dickens " TALE of 2 Cities".
Let's look at some news articles and TRANSLATE the embedded subset codes and concepts..
Einstein field equations at Field Museum, Chicago - Wikipedia
The Einstein field equations (EFE; also known as "Einstein's equations") is the set of 10 equations in Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity that describes the fundamental interaction of gravitation as a result of spacetime being curved by mass and energy.
This Month in Physics History: Einstein's quest for a unified theory
Above picture words --> Petra Sierwald --> information pointer to --> Petra-->
David Petraeus - Wikipedia
Below, top line --> David Petraeus don't deserve the rigged negative publicity .....
created by BS newspaper editors and reporters ...that have problems in providing complete explanations of REALITY signaling events in their newspapers
created by BS newspaper editors and reporters ...that have problems in providing complete explanations of REALITY signaling events in their newspapers
For example, ,the John Dalton periodic atomic table battle played out in in Kalamazoo Michigan VIA Darwin selection of Jason Dalton ....... for Nature's systems ..... data generating event ...a tragic signaling event.
Petraeus sentenced: 2 years probation; $100K fine - CNNPolitics.com
Thus we see the bull-shit schemes of Washington DC thinkers ..the above code about B100D software language ERRORS by Washington DC electro-magnetic (EM) field LIFE forms ...
EM = Employees and their Hollywood nonsense perception that judged agent DP = Data Processing military officer ..code DP = David Petraeus .....
David Petraeus .....
David Petraeus .....
Da...........tra --> Data trap interceptor agent
How David Petraeus avoided Fe = Ferrous oxide IRON atom --> Fe = Felony charges and possible prison time .........
charges created by incomplete human BRAIN life forms
that use the huamn body as a bio-computer platform
for their arrogant parasite thoughts. ..
Thus Nature's human system ....
the B100D iron heme group Fe(2) SOFTWARE thinking machine of the body/brain and it OUTPUT messages ...about the situation
100K fine --> 100 --> pointer to alpha/numeric base 16 hexadecimal bio-computer equation ...... b + 100 + d --> spells b100d
Felony --> pointer to atomic element
Fe = Ferrous oxide IRON atom with 26 protons and the 26 atomic English language alphabet
2 years probation --> information pointer to the BLOOD iron heme fe(2)
2 years probation ----> probation --> pro + bat--> protons at Batavia Illinois
Fe = Federal government facility at
Fe = FermiLAB have violated the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family ....... /atomic social science communication laws
Above, Route 56 violations of IRON-56 and blood IRON-56 WORD of HONOR laws
The HIERARCHY of atomic bio-physics HUMAN LIFE forms with blood requires the
existence and acknowledgement of the software equations of
B100D heme group Fe(2) IRON-56 --> Numbers 2 and 56 --> number 256 -->
equivalent to Base 16 HEX "100" Data ...........
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,B......................100 D --> thus we have IBM base 16 alpha/numeric B100D at level 256 in the Hierarchy Problem
Fe --> 254 level--> Federal employees
Official -->ff = 255 level
Thus we have a VOID at FermiLAB ..since O = Oxygen agent --> Pier O and his staff
refuse to help explain the situation.
Pier Oddone - Wikipedia
Piermaria J Oddone is a Peruvian-American particle physicist. Born in Peru in 1944, Oddone earned his bachelor's degree in Physics at the Massachusetts ...
Pier Oddone to retire as Fermilab dire director |
UChicago incomplete and biased News
O = Oxygen President .... President O = Obama
--> O + Ba + Ma --> Oxygen Base 16 map .......
Washington DC denies the existence of
COMPUTER EARTH base 16 address space --> 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Transport of Oxygen in the Blood
...... is lacking the Presidential Oxygen acknowledgement of the existence of blood systems and associated languages
https://www.boundless.com › ... › Transport of Gases in Human Bodily Fluids
Above, Illinois Route 56 FermiLAB violations of IRON-56
and blood IRON-56 WORD of HONOR laws ....... and the various blood iron battles.
Blood information flow .... number code 100
.-Highway 100 and Oak Creek Wisconsin shooting at Sikh Temple
- knife murder of Haroon Khan at Watertown / Water100 known as the Battle of
Water100, Wisconsin
...... B00D and the subsequent feedback message of Nature data generating message event
VIA Nature's Darwin selection of Cozy D. McNeal of Beaver Dam(BD) driving 100 miles over the speed limit to generate an Isaac Asimov equation
---> BD and 100 --> arrange Beaver Dam symbols in sequence -->
B + 100 + D --> spells --> B100D
Murder victim's family questions acquittal of z-axis agent - Jsonline
Sep 14, 2009 - Zachary Zaborek, 19, of Watertown, was found not guilty Sept. 4 after a day-and-a -half long trial. ... His best friend Travis Zoellick met Khan in Milwaukee about the car, then kidnapped him and drove him back to Dodge County ...
Woman guilty in murder of UWM student who was selling car - Jsonline
Mar 18, 2009 - Tammi LaFave faces up to 50 years at sentencing Monday. ... Travis Zoellick, 20, of Watertown, met Haroon Khan on Milwaukee's east side Oct. 1 to ... A third person, Zachary S. Zaborek, 19, of Watertown, is charged in Dodge ...
UPDATE: Student Murdered in the z-axis WARS - NBC 15
Zachary Taylor - Wikipedia
2006 Falk Corporation explosion - Wikipedia
The base 16 HEX'Fa' = 250 1K data stream facilty ...
the Falk Corporation ...... the explosion refers to a large and fatal COMPUTER EARTH
..computer science propane gas explosion at a Falk Corporation building in the industrial Menomonee River Valley neighborhood of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, on December 6, 2006.
the Falk Corporation ...... the explosion refers to a large and fatal COMPUTER EARTH
..computer science propane gas explosion at a Falk Corporation building in the industrial Menomonee River Valley neighborhood of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, on December 6, 2006.
Three people were killed and forty-seven others injured. Cars were reportedly flipped through the air and debris scattered over several blocks.[1] An investigation of the cause of the disaster uncovered leaks in a pipe running below the building, which supplied propane to the heating system for the complex. Several parties involved in the explosion have launched legal action in connection to the accident.
December 6, 2006 gas pipeline
December 6, 2006.
..................6 , 2
Logical Unit 6.2 1K data pipeline ERRORS of the greater Milwaukee region
IBM LU6.2 - Wikipedia
Logical Unit 6.2 is an IBM-originated communications protocol specification dating from 1974, and is part of IBM's Systems Network Architecture.
IBM Systems Network Architecture - Wikipedia
Logical units (LU) - IBM
IBM Systems Network Architecture - Wikipedia
Jump to Logical Unit (LU) - SNA defines several kinds of devices, called Logical Unit types: LU0 provides ... LU2 devices are IBM 3270 display terminals.
What is logical unit (LU)? - Definition from WhatIs.com
whatis.techtarget.com › Topics › Networking › Network software
Edwin Hubble - Wikipedia
Edwin Powell Hubble (November 20, 1889 – September 28, 1953) was an American astronomer. He played a crucial role in establishing the fields of ...
Edwin Powell Hubble - The man who discovered the cosmos | ESA ...
Edwin Powell Hubble --> SYMBOL MACHINE codes
Powell ...... military officer for Hubble astronomy INTELLECTUAL wars on EARTH
Colin Powell - Diplomat, Military Leader - Biography.com
Sep 15, 2016 - Colin Powell was the first African American appointed as the U.S. Secretary of State, and the first, and so far the only, to serve on the Joint Chiefs of Staff. ... He was the 65th United States Secretary of State (2001-2005), serving under President George W. Bush. He was the first ...
Colin Powell ..... POW --> Prisoner Of WAR
... the astronomy wars of EARTH- Wikipedia
Jump to Views on the Iraq War - Colin Luther Powell is an American statesman and a retired four-star general in the United States Army. Powell was born ...
Colin Powell ..... POW --> Prisoner Of WAR
... the astronomy wars of EARTH- ...
the STAR TREK and STAR WAR battle reports
from the SYMBOL WORLD mapping to physical reality
.... war casualty DEATH.
Captain James Kirk--> the James Clerk Maxwell EM field battle with the EM life form ..... d EM ocrat --> spells Democrat -->
James Kirk ..... parallel existences death of Jamie Kirk Hahn
Jamie Kirk Hahn murder case :: WRAL.com
Jamie Kirk Hahn, 29, died April 24, 2013, two days after she and her husband, Nation Hahn, were stabbed in their north Raleigh home. Police later arrested ...
Broyhill found guilty in Jamie Hahn stabbing death :: WRAL.com
Mar 18, 2015 - — After more than three hours of closing arguments Wednesday, it took jurors just over one to find Jonathan Broyhill guilty of first-degree murder in the stabbing death two years ago of Jamie Kirk Hahn. ... Jamie Hahn's family said in a statement that they are gratified by the ...
Neighbors comforted a fading Hahn as she bled after stabbing ...
Mar 5, 2015 - Strangers comforted Jamie Kirk Hahn as she lay bleeding in a neighbor's ... Wake prosecutor: Broyhill 'selfishly murdered' his longtime friend ...
Jonathan Broyhill gets life in prison; Jamie Hahn's family speaks of ...
Lando Calrissian ..Star Wars - Wikipedia
The Empire Strikes Back
Lando Calrissian first appearsin The Empire Strikes Back as the administrator of Cloud City, concerned primarily with keeping the Empire out of his affairs. Bounty hunter Boba Fett, working for Darth Vader, tracks Han Solo, Princess Leia, Chewbacca, and C-3PO, traveling in the damaged Millennium Falcon, to Bespin. Shortly before Solo and crew make it to Bespin, Darth Vader and a contingent of Imperial forces arrive at Bespin and threaten to take over the city. Lando is strongarmed by Vader into betraying his old friend and turning him over to Boba Fett.
Unwilling to leave the city in the hands of the Empire, Lando reluctantly does so, but his conscience gets the better of him when Vader goes back on his word and takes Leia and Chewbacca as prisoners. When Lando sets Leia, C-3PO and Chewbacca free, Chewbacca
Lando Calrissian next appears in
... Lando --->
orLando, Florida .....
2016 Orlando nightclub shooting - Wikipedia
On June 12, 2016, Omar Mateen, a 29-year-old security guard, killed 49 people and wounded 53 others in a terrorist attack/hate crime inside Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, United States.
On June 12, 2016, Omar Mateen, a 29-year-old security guard, killed 49 people and wounded 53 others in a terrorist attack/hate crime inside Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, United States.
Lando Calrissian next appears ..
.... Lando ......
phiLando .......
On July 6, 2016, Philando Castile was fatally shot by Jeronimo Yanez, a St. Anthony, Minnesota police officer, after being pulled over in Falcon Heights, a suburb of St. Paul. Castile was driving a car with his girlfriend, Diamond Reynolds, and her four-year-old daughter as passengers when he was pulled over by Yanez and another officer.[1][2] According to Reynolds, after being asked for his license and registration, Castile told the officer he was licensed to carry a weapon and had one in his pants pocket.[3] Reynolds said Castile was shot while reaching for his ID after telling Yanez he had a gun permit and was armed. The officer shot at Castile seven times.
Diamond Reynolds live-streamed a video on Facebook in the immediate aftermath of the shooting.[4] It shows her interacting with the armed officer as a mortally injured Castile lies slumped over, moaning slightly and his left arm and side bloody.[5]
Shooting of Philando Castile
Shooting of Philando Castile
Shooting of Philando Castile .....
the Millennium Falcon --> VS -->
........................... Falcon Heights ....
EARTH geography attack site ......
Falcon Heights,
a suburb of St. Paul (Dirac) .... Earth languages from Tallahassee Florida
Millennium Falcon | Wookieepedia | Fandom powered by Wikia
Paul Dirac - Wikipedia
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac OM FRS was an English theoretical physicist who made ..... Dirac's grave in Roselawn Cemetery, Tallahassee, Florida. Also buried is ...
FSU Students, Professors Keep Famous Physicist's Legacy Alive | WFSU
The Earth geography soil ........
grave site of Paul Dirac . .is a hole in the EARTH ......
known as a wormhole with a coffin ....... containing the THOUGHT atoms of Paul Dirac
.... that continue to radiate THOUGHT VIA
grave site of Paul Dirac . .is a hole in the EARTH ......
known as a wormhole with a coffin ....... containing the THOUGHT atoms of Paul Dirac
.... that continue to radiate THOUGHT VIA
the base 16 hexadecimal .... existential physics keyword
--> burial --> word equation
--> bur + rial --> buffer orbitals -->
data buffers of electron orbitals (even integer orbitals 2, 4, 6, 8 10 ......)
--> burial --> word equation
--> bur + rial --> buffer orbitals -->
data buffers of electron orbitals (even integer orbitals 2, 4, 6, 8 10 ......)
Thus existence is odd integer orbitals of physics at FermiLAB
with Pier Oddone code --> Odd + one --> odd integers starting with one = 1 --> thus
with Pier Oddone code --> Odd + one --> odd integers starting with one = 1 --> thus
one = 1
three = 3
five = 5
seven = 7
nine = 9
eleven = 11 --> pointer to the Galpagaos Islands / Peru .....
brain /sku11 .... numeric code 11 of the Federal government physics communications prison at FermiLAb.
brain /sku11 .... numeric code 11 of the Federal government physics communications prison at FermiLAb.
Pier Oddone - Wikipedia
Thus the odd integer electron levels 1, 3, 5,7, 9 represented by the ODDone
with atomic computer data space located at Base 2 --> 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 ......
with atomic computer data space located at Base 2 --> 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 ......
thus the Paul Dirac coffin (Co + ff + In) ----> code Base 16 Hex'ff' = 255 = high-values Input
to the Base 16 hexadecimal ......
earthly existential physics space/time region .
..known the AFterlife .......
that is the year 1616 ..Galileo project of formating earthly existence into
Base 16 SPACE and Base 16 TIME ..also known as Einsteins' data field FIELD THEORY.
earthly existential physics space/time region .
..known the AFterlife .......
that is the year 1616 ..Galileo project of formating earthly existence into
Base 16 SPACE and Base 16 TIME ..also known as Einsteins' data field FIELD THEORY.
Thus the Paul Dirac coffin .... is a COMPUTER EARTH blog site .....
his atomic biology (alive ..... physical biology) ....
now is a subset life format coffin
now is a subset life format coffin
Biology --> algebra subset word
B...log --> thus the BLOG site of the body/coffin of Paul Dirac atoms
with even integer DATA SET levels .....
with even integer DATA SET levels .....
Content management system - Wikipedia
What is content management system (CMS)? - Definition from WhatIs ...
searchcontentmanagement.techtarget.com › ... › Content management
The the EARTH language ....... SYMBOL MACHINES with the Nikola Tesla ..Wardencylffe Towers communication concepts ,,,,,,of EARTH levels and energy and its associated /english language ....... the Tesla message waves
Nikola Tesla's Earthquake Machine - The Excluded Middle
Nikola Tesla's Earthquake Machine - The Excluded Middle
Echo ...subset code of EARTH geography message site --> cz.ECHO.slovikia
Echo ...subset code of EARTH polish-=Europe .... atomic bio-physics agent ....
Lech --> L + ech --> Language/ Linquistics
..earth atomic DATABSE echo
..... expression agent for SOLIDS via the Solidarity union message
Ex-cop Wojciech Braszczok gets 2 years for motorcycle gang attack - NY ...
The Paul Diran matrices battle at
.................................rice --> Rice Lake Wisconsin with Paul Dirac agent
..Chia Vang ...from the EARTH language region ... St.Paul(Dirac) area
Chai Vang - Wikipedia
Chai Soua Vang (born September 24, 1968) is a Hmong American from Laos who was convicted of murder. Vang, a six-year veteran of the California National ...
10 years ago, 6 deer hunters slain in woods of western Wisconsin ...
Vang --> V --> Darwin selected .....
military agent for Dirac neutrinos V
'Tree Stand Murders' recounts St. Paul man's Wisconsin deer hunter ...
Mar 21, 2015 - Chai Soua Vang, 36, of St. Paul, looks back as people leave a Sawyer ... two others after being confronted for trespassing near Rice Lake.
..in other words .....
'Decision Tree Stand Murders' recounts
St. Paul (Dirac) manunscript /books Wisconsin deer hunter ...
Thus the Rosen-Einstein bridge (alias name --> wormhole) ....
..... starting with the Paul Dirac EARTH wormhole / grave in Tallahassee
establishing a Earth ....
Earth language with Nature's systems engineers
..... constructing a Nikola Tesla
underground communications data pipeline (as outlined below) ....
connecting the proper nouns
Florida ..................................................... Minnesota region
Tallahassee ---> the noun connections
Paul Dirac ---------------------------> St.Paul (Dirac)
Roselawn Cemetry ---> Roseville (by St.Paul)
the noun connections
Paul Dirac ---------------------------> St.Paul (Dirac)
Roselawn Cemetry ---> Roseville (by St.Paul)
the noun connections
Paul Dirac ---------------------------> St.Paul (Dirac)
Roselawn Cemetry ---> Roseville (by St.Paul)
Below, the wormhole / commications bridge
According to general relativity, the gravitational collapse of a sufficiently compact mass forms a singular Schwarzschild black hole. In the Einstein–Cartan–Sciama–Kibble theory of gravity, however, it forms a regular Einstein–Rosen bridge.
The Einstein Rosen bridge
the Einstein Podolsky Rosen paradox ...
that the Einstein Rosen bridge between two black holes is created by EPR-like ...
Einstein Rosen bridge between two black holes
Einstein Rosen bridge between two black holes
Einstein Rosen bridge between two black holes
...two black EARTH holes .. grave holes connected by EARTH link
...two black EARTH holes .. grave holes connected by EARTH link
Connect with EarthLink, the award-winning Internet service provider ...
Eninstein Rose bridge between two black holes
Einstein Rosen bridge between two black holes
Einstein Rosen bridge between two black holes
...two black EARTH holes .. grave holes connected by EARTH link .....
...two black EARTH holes .. grave holes connected by EARTH link .....
and the LINK to St.Paul (Dirac) area
of Roseville and Falcon Heights ..... Minnesota
..... Philando Castile
..... Philando Castile
the casket carrying Philando Castile arrives on
horse drawn carriage outside his funeral at the Cathedral
Pallbearers load the casket carrying Philando Castile
at the Brooks Funeral Home on July 14,
Pallbearers load the casket Pallbearers load the casket ...... Parallel existences
Pall --> expand code word --> parall --> parallel
Pallbearers load the casket .....CMS (Content Management System)Pallbearers load the casket
Pallbearers load the casket ..COMPUTER EARTH procedures
Pallbearers load the casket ....... SYS1.Load.Library
What is a load library? - IBM notice - FTP Directory Listing
A description for this result is not available because of this site's robots.txt
A description for this result is not available because of this site's robots.txt
What is a load library? - IBM
A load library contains programs ready to be executed.
Pallbearers load the casket Pallbearers load the casket
Pallbearers load the casket Pallbearers load the casket
Pallbearers load the casket Pallbearers load the casket
How a load module is created in
Falcon Heights .....
.................eight --> 8 data bits is 1 byte
Pallbearers load the casket Pallbearers load the load module onto a carriage .........
COMPUTER EARTH carriage control tape
(for the magnetic field tape)
Carriage control tape - Wikipedia
ASA carriage control characters - Wikipedia
Aftermath of Philando Castile shooting in Falcon Heights - Star Tribune
The shooting of #PhilandoCastile : What we know so far. strib.mn/29k9A9S # FalconHeights http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cmw13gnUEAQK0b3.jpg.
Missing: caskey
Philando Castile Shooting in Falcon Heights, Minnesota, Sparks ...
Missing: caskey
Thus the role of the death of Philando in explaining the newspaper secrets of the atomic and molecular aspects of
Einstein-Rosen communications bridge
...... a earth SYSTEM process of Nature.
Einstein-Rosen communications bridge
...... a earth SYSTEM process of Nature.
Next phase of the explantion ....
Proteins .... and the molecular bridge ..
........einstein as a human PROTEIN language device with output science messages
........einstein as a human PROTEIN language device with output science messages
Thus we have the periodic atomic table FOUNDATION of atomic thought with
Fe = Ferrous oxide IRON atom and its 26 protons with 26 atomic English alphabet letters .....
Fe = Ferrous oxide IRON atom and its 26 protons with 26 atomic English alphabet letters .....
Thus the atomic communication chain ...
Proton English -->
Proteins and blood heme fe(2) ions and blood software
..... social science languages of the blood arteries of
artery agents
--> art--> human artist .... OUTPUT data info
Proton English -->
Proteins and blood heme fe(2) ions and blood software
..... social science languages of the blood arteries of
artery agents
--> art--> human artist .... OUTPUT data info
EXTERNAL art pictures and writings reflect
INTERNAL blood software thoughts, problems and ERRORS
INTERNAL blood software thoughts, problems and ERRORS
Thus we have the Einstein-Rosen bridge
described and written by
the atoms/molecules/ proteins and blood cells
described and written by
the atoms/molecules/ proteins and blood cells
within the human bio-computer bodies of Einstein and Rosen
... LINKED to their external experience DATABASE
the external data, experiments, and book studies that they did in physics labs, etc ..... while alive.
... LINKED to their external experience DATABASE
the external data, experiments, and book studies that they did in physics labs, etc ..... while alive.
Thus the role of code words ..proper nouns and
the SYMBOL WORLD with the casket DATA CONTAINER of Philando
,......and the Lando STAR WARS instructions ......
imbedded within the dead body of Philando Castile ,,,and his atoms and their electron sub-shell EVEN integer data 2,4,6, 10
......with instructions from telviosn, STAR WAR movies, paperback books ,,,,,
......Lando --> land o --> land orbitals
--> rise up to the SKY (Star wars intelletcual levels) ..
using the atomic/molecular protein EINSTEIN-ROSEN bridge located
in near by Roseville ....
and its Earth LINKS to Paul Dirac Roselawn in Tallahsee with Electron orbital LEADER's instrcutions
Be TALL .... rise up ...rise /rose .....UP UP UP ...bring the information UP
so those physical alive.... alive ..those alive that think......
can see the message contained in the various CLUES and PIECES of the puzzle ........
as predicted by the Theory of Everything .
.. including everything such as Evergreen Park Illinois by Chicago with Ezra Pound poetry and the year 1958 IRON-58 isotope announcement,
John Keats and his walk /poetry data entry system around year 1816 / 1818,
and the EARTH geology mantle leve of THOUGHT .....layer of THOUGHT as expressed by EARTH geography surface baseball player...Mickey Mantle
Mickey Mantle ......
EARTH core and
EARTH mantle/layer communicatioons agent on the
EARTH visble land surface
- Wikipedia
Mickey Charles Mantle (October 20, 1931 – August 13, 1995), nicknamed "The Commerce Comet" and "The Mick", was an American professional baseball ...
Philando Castile Shooting in Falcon Heights, Minnesota,
Phi land Cast --> information pointer to
the EARTH land regions of people with
BRAIN level ..... knowledge awareness problems
thus code .........
Phillipines and south east Asia
Africa (Philando was a black man)
Cast ....... the Hindi caste structure and the Holy Cow of India ..
the sub-continent (SC) of India .......
....SC = Sub-Consciousness of Nature's INTELLECTUAL
Philando Castile Shooting in Falcon Heights, Minnesota,
Philando Castile Shooting in Falcon Heights,
Philando Cast -->
The caste system divides Hindus into four main categories - Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and the Shudras. Many believe that the groups originated from Brahma, the Hindu God of creation.Feb
Caste system in India - Wikipedia
Varna may be translated as "class," and refers to the four social classes which existed in the Vedic society, namely Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras. Certain groups, now known as Dalits, were historically excluded from the varna system altogether, and are still ostracised as untouchables.
Philando Castile Shooting in Falcon Heights,
Philando Castile Shooting in Falcon Heights,
Philando Castile Shooting in Falcon Heights,
.....land Cast ...... system of EARTH soil people /
underground life influences on EARTH surface BS people
.... North America earth soli/land...... geology and geo-life THOUGHTs ....
version of the
Hindu cast system of 4 levels upgraded to ..... eight = 8 levels
8 data bits --> 1 bite of cannibalism people --> 1 byte
---> Minnesota DATABASE .... keywords, nouns, and concepts -->
Castile --> cast --> pointer to possible CLUES --> Holly movie cast, theater cast and Hindi caste levels
Falcon Heights --> subset number code --> eight = 8
Falcon Heights / Lauderdale --> the cover-up of the LINK -->
What we know about Fort Lauderdale airport shooting suspect ...
is a EARTH iron core ....
ferrous oxide IRON atomic number 26 agent
---> 26-year-old arm/elbow ...
Army protein military officer ......
myoglobin proteins with iron/oxygen order the data generating EVENT ...........Army veteran named Esteban Santiago. Officials say he reached out to the ...
Myoglobin (symbol Mb or MB) is an iron- and oxygen-binding protein found in the muscle tissue of vertebrates in general and in almost all mammals. It is related to hemoglobin, which is the iron- and oxygen-binding protein in blood, specifically in the red blood cells.
Myoglobin iron 26 protons .... ordered agent ..... age 26 into action
next the Castile --> cast --> the Hindu code LINK to Cincinnati, Ohio
Shooting of Samuel DuBose - Wikipedia
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S
Date: July 19, 2015
Charges: Murder, voluntary manslaughter
Accused: Raymond Tensing
Accused: Raymond Tensing
Accused: Raymond ......sin waves/ oscillations / energy cycles ....
Shooting of Samuel DuBose - ...... secret agent code
Aftermath of Philando Castile shooting in Falcon Heights
Aftermath of Philando Castile shooting in Falcon Heights
Aftermath of ......land...Cast ........................................eight steps
Jimmy Carter: Born again statesman - BBC News
Dec 6, 2015 - Former US President Jimmy Carter is now remembered for more than his time in the White House.
Jimmy Carter on the Term "Born Again" at the
Fe= Ferrous oxide IRON atomic 26 alphabet ..... 26th Annual National ...
Thus the President Carter...farm land/agriculture message from Georgia United States
Carter--> car + ter --> carbon atom ......
tiers/levels of carbon social chemistry and human society
tiers/levels of carbon social chemistry and human society
Humans ..... as equivalent SKIN containers of molecules and their thoughts and feelings
Society and high society ..
human molecules and their social refinery levels .....
human molecules and their social refinery levels .....
Bose–Einstein Condensate ( BEC) - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bose–Einstein_condensateA Bose–Einstein condensate (BEC) is a state of serious matter ..regarding atomic financial systems and atomic economics, etc ... with Nature's EARTH language and its EARTH government relationship to subset humans and subset human institutions.
the BEC tribe bank ......... Wife of the triBECa banker beaten
by motorcycles /energy cycle war agents ,,,,, , new video details attack
- NY Daily ...
May 19, 2015 - Wife of Tribeca banker beaten by bikers becomes emotional ... Photo from facebook of bike victim Alexian Lien (right) with his wife Rosalyn Lien ... She also said at the bench trial of “biker cop” Wojciech Braszczok and ...
NYPD 'biker cop' starts trial in 2013 mob beating of NYC dad - NY ...
May 19, 2015 - "Biker cop" Wojciech Braszczok participated in the "mob mentality" beating of a ... A TriBeCa banker broke down on the witness stand at the trial of an .... 2013 beating of motorist Alexian Lien by a group of motorcycle riders.
Ex-cop Wojciech Braszczok gets 2 years for biker gang attack - NY ...
Missing: banker
To meet Florida's growing energy needs, FPL plans to build and operate the Okeechobee Clean Energy Center, a high-efficiency power-generating facility ...
FPL | Contact Us
Report power issues online or by phone 24/7. For all other issues, representatives are available Mon. - Fri. from 7:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. and Sat. from 8 a.m. - 5 ...
Florida Power And Light in Okeechobee,
Florida with Reviews - YP.com
www.yellowpages.com › Okeechobee, FL
Find 7 listings related to Florida Power And Light in Okeechobee on YP.com. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for Florida Power And ...
FPL's Okeechobee natural-gas power plant nears Florida DEP approval
Florida Power And Light in Okeechobee
Florida Power And Light ............echo WAR ZONE
FPL argues for new $1.2 billion power plant in Okeechobee County ...
Okeechobee County
Ok...echo Count --> Ok echo --> echo Ok --> agent
Ex-cop Wojciech Braszczok gets 2 years for biker gang attack - NY ...
.......................echo ok ......
rigged information TRIAL . evidence omitted .....
approved by Justice Department arrogant nonsense people
and their supremacy attitude
Aug 5, 2015 - Ex-NYPD cop Wojciech Braszczok sentenced to 2 years for 2013 biker gang attack ... two years for taking part in a 2013 biker gang attack on a Tribeca dad in front of ... Alexian Lien was the victim of an assault by a mob of bikers in September ... man behind as he tried to flee the pack of motorcycle maniacs.agent Oy
Thus we see the LINKS between BEC and the Echo system.
Strange Horizons - Bose-Einstein Condensates By Marissa Lingen
They are less energetic than solids ......as explained by Solidarity
We can also think of this as more organized ....... Solidarity UNION organization of the
Fe = Ferrous oxide IRON expression atoms and their alphabet of 26 letters .....
at the iron ship-yards in Poland with agent Lech --> L + ech --> Land ./language/ lingistics echo
Alfred Korzybski - Wikipedia
Thus we see the LINKS between BEC and the Echo system and the
TRIBE / tribal message site in ......
Tribeca Gallery Cafe
Gallery ... Tribeca GalleryCafe & Books. . Tribeca GalleryCafe & Books. 401 E. Main Street. Watertown WI 53094. Shop Indie Bookstores. Home · About ...
About - Tribeca GalleryCafe & Books
Tribeca GalleryCafe & Books was established in April of 2007. We are located in the heart of Historic Watertown. Our charming cafe offers a terrific espresso bar, ...
with the
Strange Horizons LINK
Strange Horizons LINK
Strange Horizons LINK ....
Far Horizon Imports - Watertown, WI - Gift Shop in Watertown, Wisconsin
www.manta.com › ... › Shopping › Gift, Novelty, and Souvenir Shops › Gift Shops
Get information, directions, products, services, phone numbers, and reviews on Far Horizon Imports in Watertown, WI. Discover more Gift, Novelty, and Souvenir ...
Far Horizons Imports - Cards & Stationery - 413 E Main St, Watertown ...
https://www.yelp.com › Event Planning & Services › Cards & Stationery
Photo of Far Horizons Imports - Watertown, WI, United States. Our Store ... with the most eclectic mix of gifts, Far Horizons Imports is simply a fun place to shop.
The world site ..
communications LINKAGE with information highways
O = Oxygen atom 16 with COMPUTER EARTH base 16 hexadecimal highway 16
Fe = Ferous oxide IRON atomic 26 alphabet ...... .
with EARTH iron core,,,EARTH surface Highway 26 with
Fe --> Ferrous oxide
Fe --> Feeble minded agents and the BES (Bose-Einstein Statistics) application TEST site .... BES = BES.sie the COW abstraction ladder .....at Bethesda Lutheran Home in Watertown
with EARTH iron core,,,EARTH surface Highway 26 with
Fe --> Ferrous oxide
Fe --> Feeble minded agents and the BES (Bose-Einstein Statistics) application TEST site .... BES = BES.sie the COW abstraction ladder .....at Bethesda Lutheran Home in Watertown
Strange Horizons LINK
Strange Horizons LINK ........
Far Horizons ...Milwaukee and Watertown Wisconsin
Far Horizons ..Latitude and Longitude --> Longboat Key
Longboat Key: Sanctuary for Man and Beast - The New York Times
Nov 1, 1970 - By the late fifties, Field and Jack Kahn, a Milwaukee TV executive and guest at Colony Beach, had joined forces in another hotel, Far Horizons, ...June 11, 1967 - The Dining Is Fine in Florida's Sarasota Area ...
... the country was at Far Horizons, operated by Jack Kahn -of Milwaukee and his two sons. ... HeIrb Field, from Chicago, is always adding to or improving his two ...
Below, a Salvador Dali verison of the human PROTEIN MACHINE ......
proteins of the Einsteins-Rosen bridge application.
Coupling constant - Wikipedia
The Feynman Lectures on Physics Vol. I Ch. 2: Basic Physics
www.feynmanlectures.caltech.edu/I_02.htmlThe electromagnetic field can carry waves; some of these waves are light, others ..... The detailed law of this coupling is known, that is quantum electrodynamics.
Above words--> 9,000 TO 27,000 --> NUMBERS 9 AND 27
The blood arteries of Pablo Picasso's
and their bio-math algebra output ... art MESSAGE ...... Cubism Period
Analytical Cubism is one of the two major branches of the artistic movement of Cubism and was developed between 1908 and 1912. In contrast to Synthetic ...
Above Madison Wisconsin ......
article secret codes --> 9,000 TO 27,000 --> NUMBERS 9 AND 27 for the bio-optical re-programming of the b100d Picasso Software
Above article ..top line --> Sheb was playing Methodists .....
thus the creation of the tragic signaling EVENT with the same nouns
Sheb -->Shelby, North Carolina
Methodist --> Emanuel African Methods Church
Dylann Roof jury: Death penalty for Charleston church shooter - CNN ...
Jan 10, 2017 - Twelve federal jurors said Tuesday that Dylann Roof, the man who killed nine people in a 2015 ... Chilling moments from Dylann Roof's trial.
Dylann Roof Is Sentenced to Death in rigged trial ....
Charleston Church Massacre ...
Jan 10, 2017 - Dylann S. Roof was found guilty of 33 counts in connection with the ... sentencing decision effectively capped Mr. Roof's federal trial for the ...Dylann Roof and the Emanuel church codes --> EM roof -->
giving Isaac Asimov psychohistory CONCEPT equation
--> Empirical PROOF
Batwings --> code --> bat --> batavia problems
.... wings and featherless bipeds
Principia Mathematica to *56 - Page 73 - Google Books Result
Alfred North Whitehead, Bertrand Russell - 1997 - Mathematics
Thus even if “.1: is a featherless biped ” is formally equivalent to “.1: is a man,” it by no means follows that a person who believes that all men are mortal must ...Principia Mathematica to *56
Principia Mathematica to *56
--> message for Illinois Route 56 ......
............................... noise / BS and atomic social science nonsense
Code word --> Whiskey
--> WH + Is + key -->
White House information systems key .........
Base 16 key at address space 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Code word --> Whiskey
--> WH + Is + key -->
White House information systems key ......... BEER SUMMIT secrets
The Whiskey .......... White House ..... Beer summit
- Boston.com
White House beer summit -- photos of the meeting between President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr., and ...
Barack Obama 2009 Beer Summit - Henry Louis Gates Jr ...
Apr 22, 2016 - Barack Obama found himself unwittingly in the middle of the ongoing debate over racial profiling when he gave divisive remarks after the arrest ...Henry Louis Gates arrest controversy - Wikipedia
On July 16, 2009, Harvard University professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr., was arrested at his Cambridge, Massachusetts home by local police officer Sgt. James Crowley, who was responding to a 9-1-1 caller's report of men breaking and entering the residence. The arrest initiated a series of events that unfolded under the spotlight of the international news media.
The arrest occurred just after Gates returned home to Cambridge after a trip to China to research the ancestry of Yo-Yo Ma for Faces of America.[2] Gates found the front door to his home jammed shut and, with the help of his driver, tried to force it open. A local witness reported their activity to the police as a potential burglary in progress. Accounts regarding the ensuing confrontation differ, but Gates was arrested by the responding officer, Cambridge Police Sgt. James Crowley, and charged with disorderly conduct.
On July 16, 2009, Harvard University professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and the choreography of the data generatingEVENT
On July 16 --> IBM and the base 16 route to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Harvard University professor --> Pro + fe --> 26 proton alphabet of Ferrous oxide IRON atomic agent
Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
Gates was arrested by the responding officer,
The arrest occurred just after Gates returned home to Cambridge after a trip to China to research the ancestry of Yo-Yo Ma for Faces of America.[2] Gates found the front door to his home jammed shut and, with the help of his driver, tried to force it open. A local witness reported their activity to the police as a potential burglary in progress. Accounts regarding the ensuing confrontation differ, but Gates was arrested by the responding officer, Cambridge Police Sgt. James Crowley, and charged with disorderly conduct.
On July 16, 2009, Harvard University professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and the choreography of the data generatingEVENT
On July 16 --> IBM and the base 16 route to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Harvard University professor --> Pro + fe --> 26 proton alphabet of Ferrous oxide IRON atomic agent
Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
Henry Lo Gates, Jr.
Henry Logic Gates, Job region expression agent
Gates was arrested by the responding officer,
Cambridge Police Sgt. James Crowley .......
representing DOC James C. Crow and OLD CROW Whiskey
James C. Crow - Wikipedia
Born in Inverness, Doctor James C. "Jim" Crow (1789–1856) may be loosely credited as the perfecter of the sour mash process used in creating bourbon
Born in Inverness,
Born in Inver ness,
Born in Inverted / inverse EARTH ...... earthly levels
Born in Inverted / inverse EARTH ...... earthly levels
Born in Inverted / inverse EARTH ...... earthly levels
Born in Inverted / inverse EARTH ...... earthly levels
Born in Inverted / inverse languages inside the body/brain
Inverted question and exclamation marks - Wikipedia
Inverted question marks (¿) and exclamation marks (Commonwealth English) or exclamation points (American English) (¡) are punctuation marks used to begin ...
why are question marks upside down at the Boston Marathon trial?
| Spanish Dictionary Answers with Carmen Ortiz and Boston
www.spanishdict.com › Q&A › Vocabulary & Grammar
S. I. Hayakawa - Wikiquote
It has been suggested that Language in Thought and Action be merged into ..... the thing symbolized; the word is NOT the thing; the map is NOT the territory it ...
Language in Thought and Action - Wikiquote
Language in Thought and Action is a book on semantics by Samuel Ichiye Hayakawa, based on his previous work Language in Action published in 1939. ... 3.3 The Pitfalls of Drama; 3.4 The Word Is Not the Thing; 3.5 Maps and Territories .
Hayakawa: A Summary - Personal Homepages
homepages.ulb.ac.be/~jpvannop/HAYA.htmlApr 22, 2008 - S. I. Hayakawa's Language in Thought and Action has been one of the ... not just any type of confusion !), or mistake maps for territories (36).
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds. First, we ...
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
Directions to Wilson Hall, Fermilab
Ziggy by Tom Wilson & Tom II | Read Comic Strips at GoComics.com
Ziggy by Tom Wilson & Tom II for Mar 22, 2017 | GoComics.com.
Ziggy by Tom Wilson
Who is Ziggy in quantum THOUGHT leap?
Who are the Ziggy agents in the FermiLAB .. group above?
Tom Wilson (cartoonist) - Wikipedia
Jump to Ziggy - The Ziggy comics panel, syndicated by Universal Uclick (formerly Universal Press Syndicate), launched in 15 newspapers in June 1971.
Ziggy (comic strip based on the Carl Jung ....
atomic collective .....
sub-conscious GROUP MIND at Wilson Hall ) - Wikipedia
Symbolism | Definition of Symbolism by Merriam-Webster
https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/symbolism1 : the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
--> Green Bay packers football color codes
yellow --> Sunlight
green --> Chorophyll green
Pigment --> Pig men ...... big football players ..... nice guys BUT pig agents
Paul Dirac and St. Paul Minnesota - Wikipedia
and the wormhole Joruney VIA the EARTH . ...
Einstein-Rosen communications Bridge to Roseville / Falcon Heights region of St. Paul
Shooting of Philando Castile ... the Lando STAR WARS - Wikipedia
Falcon Heights ---------------------> Millenium Falcon
PhiLando C. ------------------------> Lando C.
Lauderdale -------------------------> Fort Lauderdale ...STAR WARS at airport
PhiLando --> P lando --------------> Pulse shooting Orlando
St.Paul ----------------------------------> Paul Dirac data sets attacked
Minnesota --> sota -----------------> attack at Sarasota data sets
Minnesota --> min --------------------> attack the mini-max theorem of statistical decision theory
Program Recording Event (PER)interrupt for Instruction Fetch in the IBM System/370 can be
taken only when I fetch PER is enabled and the opcode of the ...
Program event recording (PER) facility - IBM
The program event recording (PER) facility assists in problem determination for programs running in a native z/TPF environment. You can trace the following ...
Program-Event Recording - IBM
"Functional Characteristics" IBM Library Server
... System/370 extended facility: Non-MVS-dependent portion Std Std Sysplex ... Std - Program-event recording (PER) Std Std - Set-system-mask suppression ...
IMS V13 - Database administration -
The logical child segment
When defining a logical child in its physical database, the length specified for it must be large enough to contain the concatenated key of the logical parent.
IMS V13 - Database administration - Logical relationship types - IBM
A unidirectional relationship links two segment types, a logical child and its logical parent, in one direction. A one-way path is established using a pointer in the ..
Kurt Gödel - Wikipedia
Kurt Friedrich Gödel (/ˈkɜːrt ˈɡɜːrdəl/;[2] German: [ˈkʊɐ̯t ˈɡøːdl̩] ( listen); April 28, 1906 – January 14, 1978) was an Austrian, and later American, logician, mathematician, and philosopher. Considered along with Aristotle and Gottlob Frege to be one of the most significant logicians in history, Gödel made an immense impact upon scientific and philosophical thinking in the 20th century, a time when others such as Bertrand Russell,[3] A. N. Whitehead,[3] and David Hilbert were analyzing the use of logic and set theory to understand the foundations of mathematics pioneered by Georg Cantor.
Gödel published his two incompleteness theorems in 1931 when he was 25 years old, one year after finishing his doctorate at the University of Vienna. The first incompleteness theorem states that for any self-consistent recursive axiomatic system powerful enough to describe the arithmetic of the natural numbers (for example Peano arithmetic), there are true propositions about the naturals that cannot be proved from the axioms. To prove this theorem, Gödel developed a technique now known as Gödel numbering, which codes formal expressions as natural numbers.
He also showed that neither the axiom of choice nor the continuum hypothesis can be disproved from the accepted axioms of set theory, assuming these axioms are consistent. The former result opened the door for mathematicians to assume the axiom of choice in their proofs. He also made important contributions to proof theory by clarifying the connections between classical logic, intuitionistic logic, and modal logic.
the axiom of choice
the axiom of choice
..... decisions by sugar molecules and their relationship with humans
Man Gets Life in
Glucose AXIOM of CHOICE decision --> Gloria's AX murder
- Free Republic
Nov 30, 2007 - 9 posts - 7 authors
(Son who killed mother at Oconomowoc home will be eligible for parole in 50 years). Waukesha, WI - Saying the ax murder of Gloria Jean Totzke by her ... a judge imposed a life prison sentence Friday for Mark Totzke, with no ...
Waukesha, WI - Saying the ax murder of Gloria Jean Totzke by her son might be the most brutal, violent and gruesome criminal act he has seen in his career, a judge imposed a life prison sentence Friday for Mark Totzke, with no chance for parole until he is an old man.
It was not the harshest sentence Totzke, 29, could have received for the 2006 slaying, but it came close.
Under state law, a life term is mandatory after a conviction of first-degree intentional homicide.
The only significant issue that Waukesha County Circuit Judge Lee S. Dreyfus Jr. had to decide was whether to impose life with no possibility for parole, or when Totzke should become eligible for parole.
Dreyfus determined Totzke would not be eligible for parole for 50 years. With credit for jail time already served, Totzke would be 78 when his first chance at parole arrives.
Parole "needs to be far enough out that if indeed you are going to be released at some point. . . you would not be in a position where you could be deemed to be potentially harmful to anyone else," Dreyfus told Totzke.
During the sentencing Friday, Deputy District Attorney Stephen J. Centinario Jr. argued for a parole eligibility date well beyond 20 years to ensure Totzke would never again "quietly enter a bedroom. . . with an ax in his hand with murderous intent."
According to court documents, the body of Gloria Jean Totzke, 59, was found in her bed at her Oconomowoc home Aug. 10, 2006. Blood was spattered throughout the room, and the ax used to kill her was on the floor beside the bed.
Authorities contended Mark Totzke killed his mother because she ridiculed him for being unemployed, the affidavit says. Centinario called the killing an evil plan.
It was not the harshest sentence Totzke, 29, could have received for the 2006 slaying, but it came close.
Under state law, a life term is mandatory after a conviction of first-degree intentional homicide.
The only significant issue that Waukesha County Circuit Judge Lee S. Dreyfus Jr. had to decide was whether to impose life with no possibility for parole, or when Totzke should become eligible for parole.
Dreyfus determined Totzke would not be eligible for parole for 50 years. With credit for jail time already served, Totzke would be 78 when his first chance at parole arrives.
Parole "needs to be far enough out that if indeed you are going to be released at some point. . . you would not be in a position where you could be deemed to be potentially harmful to anyone else," Dreyfus told Totzke.
During the sentencing Friday, Deputy District Attorney Stephen J. Centinario Jr. argued for a parole eligibility date well beyond 20 years to ensure Totzke would never again "quietly enter a bedroom. . . with an ax in his hand with murderous intent."
According to court documents, the body of Gloria Jean Totzke, 59, was found in her bed at her Oconomowoc home Aug. 10, 2006. Blood was spattered throughout the room, and the ax used to kill her was on the floor beside the bed.
Authorities contended Mark Totzke killed his mother because she ridiculed him for being unemployed, the affidavit says. Centinario called the killing an evil plan.
the axiom of choice
the axiom of choice
Seung-Hui Cho - Wikipedia
Jump to Virginia Tech shooting - Seung-Hui Cho was a South Korean expatriate spree killer and mass murderer who killed 32 people and wounded 17 ...
Virginia Tech shooting - Wikipedia
Weapons: Glock 19 pistol; Walther P22 pistol;
Non-fatal injuries: 23 (17 by gunfire):92
Deaths: 33 (including the perpetrator):127
Location: Blacksburg, Virginia, U.S
the axiom of choice
the axiom of choice
Kurt Gödel
Kurt Gödel
Kurt Gödel
Kurt data sets --> Kur DS -->
attack report code --> Kurds ......
Turkey Claims to Have Killed 71 US-Backed Kurds in Syria Attacks ...
Turkey Uses ISIS ( IS = Information Systems)
as Excuse to Attack Kurds - Gatestone Institute
It appears as if the Turkish government is using ISIS as a pretext to attack the PKK (Kurdistan Workers' Party). Turkey just announced that its air ...
It appears as if the Turkish government is using ISIS as a pretext to attack the PKK (Kurdistan Workers' Party). Turkey just announced that its air ...Salvador Dalí - Painter - Biography.com
Nov 30, 2016 - The Teatro-Museo Dalí is billed as the world's largest Surrealist structure. ... Spanish artist and Surrealist icon Salvador Dalí is perhaps best known for his painting of melting clocks, The Persistence of Memory. ... Salvador Dalí was born on May 11, 1904, in Figueres, Spain.
Death Date: January 23, 1989
Education: Colegio de Hermanos Maristas and ...
Salvador Dalí Biography, Art, and Analysis of Works | The Art Story
Artworks and analysis: Salvador Dalí, the most famous Surrealist was a mischievous provocateur and flamboyant personality whose enigmatic imagery became ...
Movement: Surrealism
Died: January 23, 1989 - Figueras, Catalonia, ...
Born: May 11, 1904 - Figueras, Catalonia, Spain
Timeline - Unparalleled collection of Salvador Dali art works ...
in the pictorial domain
in the pictorial domain
in the pict .......... orial domain --> orbital domain
electron orbitals around the nucleus
earth orbital around the Sun
in the pictorial domain
in the pictorial domain
in the pict .... orial domain --->
hidden .. information source domain and its formats .....
using the Salvador Dali as a human mapping / transformation agent --> to the destination range of visible information display (his paintings and personal life style)
Paranoid Critical Method: Salvador - Tufts
Salvador Dali ..... node manager
- The Paranoid Critical Transformation Method | Library ...
https://library.humboldt.edu/about/art/artists/daliPCTM.htmlSalvador Dali - The Paranoid Critical Transformation Method ... "My whole ambition in the pictorial domain is to materialize the images of my concrete irrationality ...
Above words ...line 2 --> toward optical
Keyword and concept --> Gala --> Galapagos code
.....................................................................pag os --> page IBM OS/ JCL
Keywords --> Dimensions
M-Theory : listing the 11 dimensions | Physics Forums - The Fusion ...
https://www.physicsforums.com › Physics › Beyond the Standard Model
M-Theory: The Mother of all SuperStrings : Explorations in Science ...
M-Theory : listing the 11 dimensions
Above words ..... line 2 ---> mirrors focused
Shooting of Tamir Rice - Wikipedia
The shooting of Tamir Rice, a 12-year-old black boy (June 25, 2002 – November 23, 2014), occurred on November 22, 2014, in Cleveland, Ohio. Two police ...Ta ..... Tamerlan Tsarnaev - Wikipedia
keywords. ..mirrors focused
Shooting of Tamir Rice - Wikipedia
The shooting of Tamir Rice,
a carbon black atom 12 .... 12-year-old black boy (June 25, 2002 – November 23, 2014), occurred on November 22, 2014,
in C = Carbon region
of C = Cleveland, Ohio. Two police ...
Bottom line word --> his two paintings --> example from Star Trek Next Generation codes
Lt. Worf
...Two ..rf --> 2 radio frequencies
......................... bio-radio humans
Federal Communications Commission | The United States of America
https://www.fcc.gov/The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulates interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable ......
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
regulates STATES of MIND neurotransmitter bio-radio
regulates STATES of MIND neurotransmitter bio-radio
Above words --> she said Langer's pattern was spotted in year 2004 --> codes
2004--> base 2 exponent 004 --> base 16 -->
AND a pointer to Highway 16 Watertown and the Langer project
AND a pointer to Highway 16 Watertown and the Langer project
St Bernards - Watertown Historical Society
The first Mass in Watertown was celebrated in the Crangle home by Father Kundig in the ... St. Bernard's Catholic Church of this city was broken into last night, but ...... It is being handled by Langer Roofing and Sheet Metal Inc. in Milwaukee, ... Given the estimated 100-year life of copper roof and less maintenance costs, the ...
Langer Roofing and Sheet Metal Inc. in Milwaukee, .
Langer Roofing and Sheet Metal Inc. in Milwaukee, .
Langer PRoofing ,,,,,, information Sheets of Metal
On Wisconsin: Landmark church gets $1.2 million makeover in ...
Nov 20, 2011 - The addition of 12-by-7-inch copper shingles to the St. Bernard's Catholic Church's spire has made this Watertown centerpiece ... revealing the finished work by Langer Roofing of Milwaukee and Hunzinger Construction of Brookfield. ... the 200-foot-long pitched roof; improving the gutters and downspouts; ...
A higher power – The Daily Reporter – WI Construction News & Bids
dailyreporter.com › photo
Wisconsin teen gunman dies from self-inflicted gunshot wound after ...
Nov 30, 2010 - Sophomore Samuel Hengel died at 10:44 a.m. at St. Vincent Hospital, ... Hengel, of Porterfield, shot himself as police stormed a classroom at Marinette High ... gunshot wound after holding 23 students, a teacher hostage.
Teen dies - EH Extra
Nov 30, 2010 - A barricade outside Jon and Ann Hengel's home in Porterfield ... "We wish we knew and could provide insight to what led Sam to take these drastic acts. ... Monday night's hostage standoff at Marinette High School trickled ...
WI- Armed Student Reportedly Holding High School Classroom Full of ...
15-year-old Samuel Hengel of Porterfield,
15-year-old Samuel Hengel of Port er field,
15-year-old Samuel Hengel of Port earth (data) field,
. in which he held 23 students and a teacher hostage at Marinette High School
. in which he held 23 students and a teacher hostage at Marinette High School
. in which he held 23 chromosomes students ..... part of a pair of 2 .....
the inked to the parallel existences of EARTH and the tropic of Cancer latitude 23.5
IBM Basic assembly language and successors ...
BAL for the human bio-optical computer EYE
- Wikipedia
Algorithms | Al Gore Vice-president of algorithms
.... Computer science | Computing | Khan Academy
Merge sort. Learn merge sort, a more efficient sorting algorithm that relies heavily on the power of recursion to repeatedly sort and merge sub-arrays. Divide and conquer algorithms.
Algorithm - Wikipedia
In mathematics and computer science, an algorithm ( i/ˈælɡərɪðəm/ AL-gə-ri-dhəm) is a self-contained sequence of actions to be performed. Algorithms can perform calculation, data processing and automated reasoning tasks.
What is algorithm? - Definition from WhatIs.com
whatis.techtarget.com › Topics › AppDev › Programming
Algorithms are widely used throughout all areas of IT (information technology). A search engine algorithm, for example, takes search strings of keywords and ...
Algorithms - Stanford University | Coursera
Algorithms from Stanford University. Algorithms are the heart of computer science
Al Gore lays blame for Bali stalemate
(Bali = Basic Assembler Language interface)
to stop brain cannibal bio-computer subroutines
that eat/move Alzheimer's bio-computer memory
| Reuters
Dec 13, 2007 - Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore drew cheers at 190-nation talks by ... Conference 2007 in Nusa Dua, on Bali island, December 13, 2007.Timeline: Al Gore | Environment | The Guardian
https://www.theguardian.com › Environment › Climate change
code word --> fly --> zipper for Mr.Penis and the bedroom
AND skiller ...s killer ...six killer --> information pointer to television show -->
Where did ol' Bobby SixKiller go ? ... - Renegade Bloopers - YouTube
Branscombe Richmond ..top pictures - Wikipedia
series Renegade as Bobby Sixkiller.
series Renegade as Bobby Sixkiller.
series Renegade as Bobby Six = 6 killer
....... investigating the assassination of Bobby Kennedy
in number code 6 6 ..the ROUTE 66 death code
....... investigating the assassination of Bobby Kennedy
in number code 6 6 ..the ROUTE 66 death code
--> 6th month and 6th day .... 1968
Bobby Kennedy is assassinated - Jun 05, 1968 and died on June 06, 1968- HISTORY.com
Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy ordered by
the gravity field number 66 MOTHER ROAD
the Kennedy MOTHER of several children Wikipedia
String Theory Group ..... Puppet Strings at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
uw.physics.wisc.edu › String Theory
Princeton PRISON Center
for Theoretical Physics | Not Even Wrong
22nd European string workshop ...
22nd European string workshop
The Beatles Story - Biology Museum in Liverpool, Liverpool - Visit Liverpool
The Beatles Hepatology Story in music language and hair styles, etc
- Museum in Liverpool, Liverpool - Visit Liverpool
The Rolling Stones - Wikipedia
Therefore ......
The Beattles of Liverpool AND the Rolling Stones ....... together .....
........................... Liver........................................Stones .....
message system VIA music lyrics and music instrumental sound.
The Liver and Liverstones - Global Healing Center
www.globalhealingcenter.com › Blog Home › Cleansing & Detox Articles
The Liver and Liverpool, England ,,,,, and Livermore Labs
and their Carl Jung collective group /student body
its Liver Stones - Global Healing Center for music and other systems
www.globalhealingcenter.com › Blog Home › Cleansing & Detox Articles
Student Body or equivalent work GROUP
Definition of student body .....
and its extension to the Carl Jung collective group / community and its GROUP MIND
- : the students at an educational institution
Thus the WAR equation and the conflicts ............
the above term with ---> sin dy ---> played out in physical reality conflicts
sin --> Ray sin --> Ray Tensing and the Samuel DuBose situation
dy --> Dy Proof --> Dylann Roof and Charleston South Carolina
Shooting of Samuel DuBose - Wikipedia
On July 19, 2015, in Cincinnati, Ohio, Samuel DuBose,
an unarmed man, was fatally shot by
Ray Tensing,
a University of Cincinnati police officer, during a traffic ...
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S
Date: July 19, 2015
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S
Date: July 19, 2015
Dy = Differential equation students and professors are
Sentenced to Death in Charleston Church Massacre ...
Jan 10, 2017 - Mr. Roof at times represented himself and showed no remorse in court. The death-penalty decision was reached in three hours. ... CHARLESTON, S.C. — Dylann S. Roof, the unrepentant and inscrutable white supremacist who killed nine African-American churchgoers in a brazen racial ...
Jan 10, 2017 - Mr. Roof at times represented himself and showed no remorse in court.Sherlock Holmes - Wikipedia
Dr. Watson (Freeman) | Baker Street Wiki | Fandom powered by Wikia
Dr. Watson and his SYMBOL LIFE evolution Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dr._WatsonJohn H. Watson, known as Dr. Watson, is a character in the Sherlock Holmes stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and was the narrator in the original ...
Watson - DNA around year 1955
Watson - IBM around year 1955
Rope used to hang euROPE string theorists STATE of MIND ....
and Saddam Hussein on sale for $7mn — RT News
Feb 7, 2015 - A piece of the rope that was used to execute former Iraqi ruler Saddam Hussein has been put up for auction with the latest bid standing at $7 million. ... Saddam Hussein, the former President of Iraq, was in power for more than 23 years until being deposed from power by an American .
The length of rope used to execute euROPE and Saddam Hussein could be sold for ...
www.independent.co.uk › News › World › Middle East
President of IRAQ, was in power for more than 23 years
President of IRAQ, was in power for more than 23 years
Using 2 legs (like 2 human fingers) to apply pressure to the EARTH geography land surface
.....used as Nature's data entry ... keyboard surface.
TOE theory is also known as Ezra Pound poetry
--> Po + o + etry --> Podiatry/legs/feet order entry
TOE theory is also known as Ezra Pound poetry
--> Po + o + etry --> Podiatry/legs/feet order entry with
Ezra POUND (pressure of a vertical/ walking human weight)
List of Atomic Elements — VAMDC standards documentation
The quantities described in this table are: the atomic number Z, corresponding to the number of protons found in the nucleus of an atom. The atomic number uniquely identifies a chemical element. the symbol.
The chemical elements of the periodic table sorted by atomic number
Boston Marathon Event Information - Boston Athletic Association
Boston Marathon Mile 27 - Official Post-Race Party presented by Samuel Adams · Volunteer ... DISTANCE: 26 MILES, 385 YARDS (42.195 KILOMETERS).
26 Miles to Boston: The Boston Marathon Experience - Amazon.com
Boston Marathon Event Information - Boston Athletic Association
26 Miles to Boston: The Boston Marathon incomplete BULL-SHIT explanation about the April 15, 2013 bombing - Amazon.com
26 MILES TO BOSTON slips squarely into the running shoes and m
Khalil Gibran - Author, Journalist, Illustrator, Poet - Biography.com
Kahlil Gibran - Wikipedia
Kahlil Gibran was a Lebanese-American artist, poet, and writer of the New York Pen League. Gibran was born in the town of Bsharri in the Mount Lebanon Mutasarrifate, Ottoman Empire, to Khalil Gibran and Kamila Gibran.
Above..bottom line --> Mr. Siniora --> code --> sin --> Wisconsin sin functions
Lebanon, Wisconsin ignores messages in the newspapers - Wikipedia
Above line 3 --> nation 49 mile border --> DNA and bio-math equations
..49 - > 7 by 7 square matrix of President N by N (NiXoN)
nation 49 mile border --> number 4 and 9 (nine) -->
the 4 DNA nucleotides with adenine and guanine .....
and the Nation Hahn witness at the Jamie Kirck Hahn murder and the rigged trial
Jamie Kirk Hahn murder case :: WRAL.com
Jamie Kirk Hahn, 29, died April 24, 2013, two days after she and
her husband, Nation Hahn, were stabbed in their north Raleigh home. Police later arrested ...
her husband, Nation Hahn, were stabbed in their north Raleigh home. Police later arrested ...
Broyhill found guilty in Jamie Hahn stabbing death :: WRAL.com
Mar 18, 2015 - ... of first-degree murder in the stabbing death two years ago of Jamie Kirk Hahn. ... "Jamie and Nation did not know the real Jonathan Broyhill.
Neighbors comforted a fading Hahn as she bled after stabbing ...
Above , 2nd bottom line --> exchanged fire with IS = Information system troops
by base 16 hexadecimal Highway 16 Watertown / Lebanon ..... Wisconsin
Above, 2nd bottom line --> Hezbollah --> hez --> Hertzian EM sin waves of the Solar System sunlight
Above article ..bottom line --> Sunni
--> Sun + ni --> Sun Prairie Wisconsin and the nitrogen cycle message
of the night DATABASE with Alderman Solomon and
city Clerk for James Clerk Maxwell ..... assistant city clerk .... Elena Berg
Below codes ......
Saudi --> S + audi --> Sound audio ..harmonic sound waves and the audio nerve EAR / MOUTH people
Above article--> Hamas --> Ha + Mas --> Harvard University Massachusetts
Aon Center (Chicago Standard Oil ... Orbital building ) - Wikipedia
Above code RSC ---> R + SC --> Reason and Sub-Conscious MIND
Charleston SC .... Sub-Conscious MIND langauge WARs
with the FCC television and radio EM wave implants
into the human bio-electron brain steEMs at the Emanuel Church
- Wikipedia
The Charleston church shooting was a mass shooting and hate crime that took place at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in downtown Charleston, South Carolina, United States, ..
The Charleston church shooting was a mass shooting and hate crime that took place at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in downtown Charleston, South Carolina, United States, ..
Zirconium - Wikipedia
Zirconium is a chemical element with symbol Zr and atomic number 40. The name of zirconium is taken from the name of the mineral zircon, the most important source of zirconium. The word zircon comes from the Persian word zargun زرگون, meaning "gold-colored".
Zirconium - Element information, properties and uses | Periodic Table
Element Zirconium (Zr), Group 4, Atomic Number 40, d-block, Mass 91.224. Sources, facts, uses, scarcity (SRI), podcasts, alchemical symbols, videos and ...
Zirconium - Element information evolution .....
.... in other words ...... in year 2017
Strunk with E. B . White
...white spectrum
Origin of the name: The name is derived form t...
Discovery date: 1789
Discovered by: Martin Heinrich Klaproth
Zirconium - Element information,
Zirconium - Element information evolution .....
additional properties in the SYMBOL WORLD and living languages
.... in other words ...... in year 2017
The atomic elements ..... advanced communications style
with the cellulose
TREE trunk of Knowledge ...agent
S trunk --> Sunlight + trunk -->
TREE trunk of Knowledge ...agent
S trunk --> Sunlight + trunk -->
Strunk with E. B . White
...white spectrum
Zirconium (Zr) - Chemical properties, Health and Environmental effects
www.lenntech.com › Periodic table › Elements
Zirconium (Zr) - Chemical properties, Health and Environmental effects
Zirconium (Zr) - Chemical properties, Health and Environmental effects
Zirconium (Zr) - social Chemistry properties
Zirconium (Zr) - Chemical properties, Health and Environmental effects
Zirconium (Zr) - En v iron mental effects
Zirconium (Zr) - En...iron... mental effects of the iron 26 protons and the atomic alphabet at Highway 26 with Bethesda Lutheran Home .... Fe = Feeble minded interceptor agents
The BES project (Bessie at ) project address --> location
...... BES _+ 1 --> BET project .... S and S+1 --> T
Lutheran Home for Feeble Minded and Epileptics - Asylum Projects
Nov 9, 2013 - In 1907 due to overcrowded conditions and a long waiting list, Bethesda built the first building on the 40 acres of land that was donated in 1903.
Bethesda Lutheran Communities | Supporting People with Disabilities
Bethesda Lutheran Communities is a Lutheran non-profit organization that helps people with developmental disabilities across the US.
Bose–Einstein Statistics (BES) violations by Bethesda Lutheran Home and
their removal of the farm/agriculture ..... BESSIE the COW program
for the Feeble to retain their DOWN-TO -LINKs to the
Hayakawa abstration ladder
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bose–Einstein_statisticsIn quantum statistics, Bose–Einstein statistics (or more colloquially B–E statistics) is one of two possible ways in which a collection of non-interacting indistinguishable particles may occupy a set of available discrete energy states, at thermodynamic equilibrium.
Zinc fingers ... Structural Biochemistry/ - Wikibooks, open books for an ...
In addition an inner hydrophobic attaches to it also. The discovery of the zinc finger revealed a new protein fold but also an important aspect of DNA recognition.
Zinc finger - Wikipedia
A zinc finger is a small protein structural motif that is characterized by the coordination of one or ..... and genome manipulation". Annual Review of Biochemistry.
Zinc fingers, zinc clusters, and zinc twists in DNA-binding protein ...
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › NCBI › Literature › PubMed Central (PMC)
by BL Vallee - 1991 - Cited by 295 - Related articles
Zinc fingers, zinc clusters, and zinc twists in DNA-binding protein domains. ... We now recognize three distinct motifs of DNA-binding zinc proteins: (i) zinc fingers, (
The Discovery of Zinc Fingers and Their Applications in Gene
and Town of gene/ Genesee messages ...
www.annualreviews.org › Annual Review of Biochemistry › Volume 79, 2010
by A Klug - 2010 - Cited by 366 - Related articles
Jul 7, 2010 - An account is given of the discovery of the classical Cys2His2 zinc finger, arising from the interpretation of biochemical studies on the .
www.annualreviews.org › Annual Review of Biochemistry › Volume 79, 2010
15 Year-old girl .... missing genetics .... from gene Town of Genesee - WISN.com
Police release new details in chromosome 15 messenger ...
age 15 disappearance of Kathryn Stalbaum
Public may never get details of
Genesee teen's 4-day --> 4-da ---> 4-DNA disappearance
Above words in article --> in their new vision H & W state
-> new optical SOFTWARE language schemes and Linear Control States
State Feedback - Control and Dynamical Systems
State-space representation - Wikipedia
Jump to Linear systems - Block diagram representation of the linear state-space equations. The most general state-space representation of a linear system ...
State observer - Wikipedia
Linear control (state-space) - epxx.co
In the article about PID controllers , we aimed to show how an "analog" or "classic " feedback control works. A simple water heater was our guinea ping along the ...
[PDF]Linear State Feedback Control Laws Introduction - Universitat de les ...
Keyword --> Shielding --> Township of Shields by Watertown, Wisconsin
Massive Tire Fire Near Watertown, Wisconsin Visible for Miles
Burn Rubber: The World's 9 Worst Tire Fires - WebEcoist
WATERTOWN, Wis. (AP) -- A tire fire that sent black smoke billowing in a plume visible across southeastern Wisconsin posed new threats Wednesday, as changing weather kept fumes closer to the ground where more people could be affected.
Lt. Doug Ninmann of the Dodge County Sheriff's Department said the high pressure system that sent the smoke aloft after the fire broke out Tuesday was giving way to low pressure, which could mean problems for residents as the fire burns on.
About six acres of Watertown Tire Recycling Co.'s
....... carbon black ... atomic six (6) message
estimated 1 million tires were in flames Tuesday night, a smoldering mound expected to take days to burn itself out.
''Several days is being optimistic,'' said Jennifer Warmke, emergency management deputy director for Dodge County.
said Jennifer Warmke ..agent identifer codes
said Jennifer Warmke
said Jennifer Warmke\
said .......ifer War m ke
said .......infer war math key ...
Rule of inference - Wikipedia
In logic, a rule of inference, inference rule or transformation rule is a logical form consisting of a ... which means "infers", "proves", or "concludes", and (3) a conclusion. This form usually embodies the relational (as opposed to functional) view of ...
infer - Dictionary Definition : Vocabulary.com
The plant sits just outside Watertown, a city of about 22,000 residents 35 miles west of Milwaukee.
Ninmann said the streams of water worked to slow the fire and reduce the smoke somewhat.
the streams of water
the streams of water
the streams of water --> The term "Stream of Consciousness" was coined by philosopher and psychologist William James in The Principles of Psychology (1890): ... Cover of James Joyce's Ulysses (first edition, 1922), considered a prime example of stream of consciousness writing styles.
Stream of consciousness (narrative mode) - Wikipedia
Stream of Consciousness as a Narrative Technique in Ulysses
www.bachelorandmaster.com/.../stream-of-consciousness-in-ulysses.htmlUlysses by James Joyce written in 1922 is a masterpiece which outstands many major works of modern literature in style, structure, theme and nearly all elements. Joyce's Ulysses has been famous for his stylistic experimentation and innovation that is a stream of consciousness technique.
Watertown, a city of about 22,000
Watertown, a city of about 22,000
Watertown, a city by Highway 19 ..... about 22,000 with alert, aware thinkers
Water.............city ......................19 .................22 --> data pointers to . .
year 1922 --> in 1922 is a masterpiece which outstands many major works of modern literature
from the Isaac Asimov FOUNDATION ....... the Carl Jung atomic collective GROUP MIND of the periodic atom table that rises up thru MOTHER EARTH (universal mind concept)
and it sub-consciousness(SC) expression region of the sub-continent(SC) of INDIA to
Water molecule / hydrology Professor Loganathan killed in the WATER molecule wars at Virginia TECH ....... and the cover-up by the Indian government and the hydrology city of Hyderbad .....
the city violations of the equation
--> Hy + der + bad -->
Hydrology ...Nietzche EARTH skin / dermatology + Baden Baden water heath spa in Europe
Taking the Waters in Baden-Baden, Germany
- Europe Up Close and the Hyderbad sub-consciousness EARTH LINK
Aug 23, 2014 - The immaculate little town of Baden-Baden,
tucked away in the foothills of S.W. Germany's Black Forest,
is a luxurious cross between Monte ...
Water.............city ......................19 .................22
Water.............city ......................19 .................22
Water molecule city ............... .19 .................22
Water molecule continuum with agents in the geography .city of Watertown ..
Watertown Public Library and the water
THOUGHT MOLECULE streams of consciousness ....
UL = ULysess book with 22,000 people AND
UL = Underwriter LABs...220 voltage for Nikola Tesla and electric motors and copper wire electron flow ............
THOUGHT MOLECULE streams of consciousness ....
UL = ULysess book with 22,000 people AND
UL = Underwriter LABs...220 voltage for Nikola Tesla and electric motors and copper wire electron flow ............
message Ulysess
--> subset code Uly giving month jULY
--> July month and Bloom's day June 16, 1904 --> pointer to June --> Juneau,Wisconsin
........a time city representing the month of June
--> subset code Uly giving month jULY
--> July month and Bloom's day June 16, 1904 --> pointer to June --> Juneau,Wisconsin
........a time city representing the month of June
residents 35 ...west of Milwaukee.
residents 35
residents 35
residents 35 with molecular direction .....
''They've got everything contained,'' he said. ''They're just pouring water on it to keep it contained.''
Ninmann said an inspector from the state Department of Natural Resources was
at the plant for an on-site inspection with owner Thomas Springer when the fire started.
''Apparently there had been complaints, violations with the quantity of tires he had there, but I don't know the details on that,'' he said.
with owner Thomas Springer when the fire started.
with owner Thomas Springer when the fire started.
with owner ............. Springer when the fire and the cover-up stories started
Journals in Chemistry and
carbon atomic 6 and 6 acre expression sites in Wisconsin - Springer
www.springer.com › Home › Chemistry
Open Access at Springer. Choose from over 480 fully OA journals or publish OA in our subscription-based journals with the Open Choice option.
Chemistry | Springer
Springer is the leading publisher of chemistry books, including
Springer is the leading publisher of chemistry books, including
Springer is the leading publisher of chemistry books, including Jerry Springer
The Jerry Springer
..... molecule neuroscience language Show
- Wikipedia
The Jerry Springer Show is an American syndicated tabloid talk show hosted by Jerry Springer, a former politician. It is recorded at the Stamford Media Center in ...
Tickets - The Jerry Springer Show
If you are 18 years old and live or visit the tri state area, you are eligible to receive FREE tickets to The Jerry Springer Show. We are located in Stamford, CT.
Tickets - The Springer Show ..... Hierarchy Problem at FermiLAB
Tickets - Springer Publishing and Jerry March
Tickets - The Jerry March Show
Tickets - The Jerry March ---> Jerry social chemistry agent
Tickets - The Jerry March ..... molecule television Show
Tickets - The Jerry March ...
human females ..... seated molecule contains ...SPRING into action ..
and begin fighting --> thus code name --> Jerry Springer
The Jerry Springer Show and the Springer book above
- Wikipedia
The Jerry Springer Show is an American syndicated tabloid talk show hosted by Jerry Springer, a former politician. It is recorded at the Stamford Media Center in ...
Jerry Springer (TV Series 1991– ) - IMDb
Travis Zoellick (20) killed in the atomic physics WAR
....... agent Zo ....
a shielding agent in EMMET TOWNSHIP ......
and the SHIELD of the Township of Shields .....
site of the Watertown Tire fire
Oct 8, 2008 - Travis Zoellick (20) shot himself after killing a man for his car and Tammy LaFave (21) and Zachary Zaborek (19) are accused of aiding him.UWM student was kidnapped, killed over car, authorities say - Jsonline
Oct 7, 2008 - ... Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution, and Travis W. Zoellick wanted one just ... were searching for him, and he confessed to killing Khan over a car.
UPDATE: Student Murdered - NBC 15
Travis Zoellick (20) killed in the atomic physics WAR
....... agent Zo ....
a shielding agent in EMMET TOWNSHIP ......
and the SHIELD of the Township of Shields .....
site of the STAR WARS shields up/down attack
--> Watertown Tire fire
Shields (Star Trek) - Wikipedia
In the Star Trek fictional universe, shields refer to a 23rd and 24th century technology that provides starships, space stations, and planets with limited protection ...
First appearance: Star Trek; "Balance of Terror" ...
Function: Protects ships, space stations, and pl...
Created by: (Series); Gene Roddenberry; ...
Deflector shield | Memory Alpha | Fandom powered by Wikia
On starships, the shield contained six sections,
On starships, the shield contained six sections,
On starships, the shield contained six sections,
On starships, the shield contained six sections,
On starships, the shield contained six sections
--> six acres of land in the Township of Shields,
--> six acres of land in the Township of Shields,
The War of the Worlds - Wikipedia
Published: 1898 (William Heinemann)
Text: The War of the Worlds at Wikisource
Author: H.G. Wells
Genre: Science fiction novel
The War of the Worlds
H G Wells War of the Worlds- an adaptation - Forumshire
www.hobbitmovieforum.com › Other Topics › Creative Corner
is a plume of smoke
is a plume of smoke
is a plume of smoke
The War of the Worlds: Book 1, Chapter 17, The "Thunder Child"
beneath clouds of black smoke
beneath clouds of black smoke
beneath clouds of black smoke
WotW: Earth – lategaming
be signposted with great black plumes of smoke as the bodies of contaminated ...
be signposted with great
be signposted with great black plumes of smoke as the bodies of contaminated ...
The Time Machine - Page 43 --> latitude 43 Watertown fire
- Google Books Result
H. G. Wells - 2009 - Juvenile Fiction
H. G. Wells - 2009 - Juvenile Fiction
H. G. Wells. 'Please, God, let me wake up!' I cried ... Then, slowly, the flames died down and black smoke rose into the air. At last, dawn came. I stood up and, ...
and black smoke rose into the air.
and black smoke rose into the air.
and black smoke rose into the air. ....................
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